Since Crème de la Mer costs as much as my rent, those ingredients better be something special. I had to know what exactly makes up the “Miracle Broth” that supposedly turns back the clock. Cue my nerd glasses and some heavy duty Googling!

I discovered the cream has a good dose of fermented sea kelp (the secret sauce), along with old school hydrators like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and mineral oil. The kelp is packed with antioxidants that studies show can defend against aging. Always a plus. The other moisturizing ingredients are proven winners too.

One thing I loved – no sketchy fragrance or alcohol that can irritate sensitive skin. Phew. Everything in here seems thoughtfully chosen for max anti-aging power with minimal risk. The pH is great for skin too. 

After lots of label-decoding, I gotta hand it to La Mer – the Miracle Broth lives up to the miracle hype and the whole formula looks really well designed. But do the results match? Time to get testing.

Ingredients Research

As a skincare detective, I couldn’t wait to get my magnifying glass on Crème de la Mer’s mysterious ingredient list. What exactly is in this “Miracle Broth” that’s got people forking over rent money for a jar? I put on my nerd hat and did some serious digging.

First off, props to La Mer for packing a potent dose of sea kelp bioferment into the mix. This algae-derived goodness is brimming with antioxidants that can help kick Father Time to the curb. Studies show sea kelp can defend against pesky aging free radicals and keep skin cells acting young. Splash some ocean magic on my face, please!

I was also pumped to spot proven hydration heroes like humectants and emollients on deck. We’re talking glycerin, hyaluronic acid, mineral oil – the OG moisture magnets that draw in water and prevent it from escaping. Dry, parched skin doesn’t stand a chance against this lineup.

But moisturizing perks aside, what about safety? I cross-checked every last syllable against the EWG Skin Deep database and – drumroll – Crème de la Mer gets the green light! No red flag irritants popping up, even for fussy skin. The most sus thing in the jar is…algae. And last I checked, seaweed isn’t out to get us.

Considering the lofty price tag, I was relieved not to find any shady filler ingredients or sketchy preservatives either. Just the good stuff, and lots of it. La Mer isn’t skimping on the actives, that’s for sure.

So what’s the verdict? After an exhaustive ingredient investigation, I gotta hand it to Crème de la Mer. This luxe cream really is a treasure trove of tried-and-true skin saviors, sans any questionable stowaways. The sustainably-sourced sea kelp and strategic combo of humectants and emollients get my Nancy Drew seal of approval.

If you’re gonna splurge on a prestige moisturizer, you might as well choose one that’s swimming with legit anti-aging and hydrating workhorses. And it looks like Crème de la Mer understood the assignment. Expensive, but at least it’s packed with the good stuff – both above and under the sea.

Case closed on the ingredient inquisition – time to glow forth and nourish, my friends!

pH Test

I wanted to make sure Crème de la Mer plays nice with my skin’s natural balance. Time to break out the handy dandy pH strips!

I smeared a bit of the cream on the strip and watched the color change like a nerdy kid in science class. The result? A perfectly reasonable 5.5-6.0. Phew!

See, our skin is naturally a little acidic, hovering around 4.7-5.75 on the pH scale. If products are too far off in either direction, it can get peeved and freak out.

La Mer’s pH solidly falls within the ideal “Goldilocks” range – not too basic, not too acidic. Just right for keeping my face calm, cool, and collected.

Considering how persnickety my skin is about, well…everything, I appreciate that La Mer put some thought into getting the pH on point. One less thing to stress about as I slather this fancy goop on!

Oil & Water Separation Test for Emulsion Stability

As a skincare super sleuth, I know that a cream’s stability is key. No one wants a fancy face goop that falls apart faster than a celebrity marriage. So, I put Crème de la Mer under surveillance to see if its emulsion could go the distance.

The mission: a stakeout to catch any slippery separation behaviour. I plopped a dollop of the ivory potion in a clear glass tumbler, then played the waiting game. The stakes were high – if this $300 cream couldn’t keep it together, we’d have a skincare scandal on our hands.

I watched that glass like a hawk, waiting for the dreaded division of oil and water. But as the hours ticked by, Crème de la Mer remained unwaveringly uniform. Not a single sign of dissent in the ranks. The emulsion maintained its perfect, creamy cohesion, like a well-oiled machine (pun intended).

Even after a full 24 hours of intense scrutiny, the mixture stayed true – no layers, no separation, no nothing. Just a smooth, single phase of skincare harmony. Clearly, La Mer’s formula is no fair-weather friend.

I gotta give the science whizzes behind Crème de la Mer props – they’ve cracked the code on keeping this emulsion in line. With all the pricey marine extracts and posh oils at play, it’d be a real shame if they settled out or split up.

But thanks to some A+ emulsification engineering, this cream is in it for the long haul. The luxe ingredients play nice together, no matter what. Now that’s what I call a stable relationship.

So if you’re going to invest in a high-end hydrator, it’s comforting to know Crème de la Mer won’t bail on you midway through the jar. This steadfast formula sticks together, rain or shine – kind of like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. But, you know, for your face.

Case closed on the emulsion investigation – Crème de la Mer passes the unity test with flying colors. No crimes of separation here, just a cream that’s got its act together. Phew! One less thing to worry about as I slather on my little jar of joy.

Solubility Test for Product Purity

In my never-ending quest for skincare truth, I had to put Crème de la Mer under the microscope. This cream might cost more than my monthly coffee budget, but is it really as pure and pristine as the price tag suggests? Time to investigate.

I channeled my inner mad scientist and concocted a little experiment. First up, the paper test. I smeared a bit of the ivory elixir on a crisp sheet of white, then let it sit overnight like a fancy facial stakeout.

Come morning, I rushed to inspect the results, half expecting an oily outline darker than my eye circles. But to my surprise, the paper looked practically untouched – just the faintest whisper of a mark remained. Hmm…could it be? A cream as pure as the driven snow?

Next, I subjected La Mer to the all-telling water test. I plopped a pearl-sized amount into a shot glass of H2O, gave it a swirl, and waited for the revelations to unfold.

Lo and behold, the cream dissolved like a dream, melting into the water without a single sign of sediment or sketchy floaters. No murky mysteries, just a crystal-clear concoction that would make Walter White proud.

As I gazed upon the unblemished glass, I couldn’t help but feel a bit humbled. Here I was, ready to expose Crème de la Mer as an imposter – a wolf in sheep’s clothing, luring unsuspecting complexions with false promises of purity. But it seems the joke was on me.

Turns out, La Mer’s not just a pretty jar – it’s got the chops to back up the buzz. No shady fillers, no corner-cutting additives, just unadulterated skin-loving goodness. The luxe ingredient list checks out, and then some.

Case closed on the solubility sleuthing – Crème de la Mer emerges as pure as a nun’s thoughts. In a world of skincare uncertainty, it’s nice to know this cream’s not just putting on a pretty face. It’s the genuine article, through and through.

Ingredient Analysis: Verdict