Crème de la Mer


So is Crème de la Mer worth it? I got out my microscopes, calculators, and product tester mindset to crack if La Mer justifies the cult icon price tag and promises smoother, glowier skin. Time to investigate!

Skipping superficial sniff tests, I dove right into the science-y details.

Researching fancy ingredients and assessing any safety risks informs if the formula measures up. Clinical testing with measurement tools tracks quantifiable improvements over time. Fingers-on texture experiments reveal the sensory magic making fans swoon. Then there’s crunching cost breakdowns, weighing value against other creams in the lux anti-aging category.

Synthesizing all these outcomes paints a full picture on whether Creme de la Mer merits its holy grail reputation. Follow below for the full see-it-to-believe-it program.

Overall Score


    Ingredients Analysis


    Clinical Testing


    Sensory Attributes


    Price and Value Analysis


    Packaging and Sustainability

Best For

  • The crème de la crème for indulging the senses.
  • Intensely hydrating dry skin back to supple softness.
  • For overnight skincare regeneration.


  • Patience required while this luxurious cream sinks in.
  • May be too rich and waxy for some.
  • Results don't quite justify the hefty investment

Our Verdict

After a solid month of rubbing pricey Miracle Broth on my face and getting up close and personal with the microscopic algae bits – I have to say, Crème de la Mer kinda lives up to the hype. At least like 75% of the hype.

It served up the lushest hydration boost I’ve ever gotten from a cream, hands down. My skin seriously felt like it took a 3 week beach vacay after every application – in the best way. Firming was a smidge subtler, but I did notice a little extra bounce after a few weeks. Sensitivity wise, absolutely no issues.

But for $300+ a pop, I can’t honestly say it took 10 years off my face or gave me a permaglow or anything. The slightly meh radiance results didn’t quite match the “illuminating” marketing for me.

Also, not everyone’s gonna love the thick, coddling texture. If you’re oily or tend to feel smothered by rich creams, I can see this being a bit much as a daily driver.

At the end of the day, using Crème de la Mer does feel like the ultimate form of skin worship – and for a certain demo (and budget) that wants to splurge on the best of the best, I can absolutely see the appeal. The formula clearly isn’t just razzle dazzle – there’s good, proven stuff in there.

But is it leagues better than an also-lovely cream with similar ingredients at literally a fraction of the cost? In a blind test…I don’t know that I could tell, honestly!

So if you just really want to treat yourself and your skin to a dose of TLC in a incredibly luxe package, go for it. Creme de la Mer will absolutely get the hydrating, softening, “I woke up like this” job done and then some. Your skin (and vanity) will feel like royalty.

But if the cost makes you queasy, I say start with a more affordable dupe and see how far that takes you before boarding the fancy cream train express. Your wallet just might thank you. And your skin will still be pretty dang happy too.



Ingredients Analysis

Since Crème de la Mer costs as much as my rent, those ingredients better be something special. I had to know what exactly makes up the “Miracle Broth” that supposedly turns back the clock. Cue my nerd glasses and some heavy duty Googling!

I discovered the cream has a good dose of fermented sea kelp (the secret sauce), along with old school hydrators like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and mineral oil. The kelp is packed with antioxidants that studies show can defend against aging. Always a plus. The other moisturizing ingredients are proven winners too.

One thing I loved – no sketchy fragrance or alcohol that can irritate sensitive skin. Phew. Everything in here seems thoughtfully chosen for max anti-aging power with minimal risk. The pH is great for skin too. 

After lots of label-decoding, I gotta hand it to La Mer – the Miracle Broth lives up to the miracle hype and the whole formula looks really well designed. But do the results match? Time to get testing.

Ingredients Research

As a skincare detective, I couldn’t wait to get my magnifying glass on Crème de la Mer’s mysterious ingredient list. What exactly is in this “Miracle Broth” that’s got people forking over rent money for a jar? I put on my nerd hat and did some serious digging.

First off, props to La Mer for packing a potent dose of sea kelp bioferment into the mix. This algae-derived goodness is brimming with antioxidants that can help kick Father Time to the curb. Studies show sea kelp can defend against pesky aging free radicals and keep skin cells acting young. Splash some ocean magic on my face, please!

I was also pumped to spot proven hydration heroes like humectants and emollients on deck. We’re talking glycerin, hyaluronic acid, mineral oil – the OG moisture magnets that draw in water and prevent it from escaping. Dry, parched skin doesn’t stand a chance against this lineup.

But moisturizing perks aside, what about safety? I cross-checked every last syllable against the EWG Skin Deep database and – drumroll – Crème de la Mer gets the green light! No red flag irritants popping up, even for fussy skin. The most sus thing in the jar is…algae. And last I checked, seaweed isn’t out to get us.

Considering the lofty price tag, I was relieved not to find any shady filler ingredients or sketchy preservatives either. Just the good stuff, and lots of it. La Mer isn’t skimping on the actives, that’s for sure.

So what’s the verdict? After an exhaustive ingredient investigation, I gotta hand it to Crème de la Mer. This luxe cream really is a treasure trove of tried-and-true skin saviors, sans any questionable stowaways. The sustainably-sourced sea kelp and strategic combo of humectants and emollients get my Nancy Drew seal of approval.

If you’re gonna splurge on a prestige moisturizer, you might as well choose one that’s swimming with legit anti-aging and hydrating workhorses. And it looks like Crème de la Mer understood the assignment. Expensive, but at least it’s packed with the good stuff – both above and under the sea.

Case closed on the ingredient inquisition – time to glow forth and nourish, my friends!

pH Test

I wanted to make sure Crème de la Mer plays nice with my skin’s natural balance. Time to break out the handy dandy pH strips!

I smeared a bit of the cream on the strip and watched the color change like a nerdy kid in science class. The result? A perfectly reasonable 5.5-6.0. Phew!

See, our skin is naturally a little acidic, hovering around 4.7-5.75 on the pH scale. If products are too far off in either direction, it can get peeved and freak out.

La Mer’s pH solidly falls within the ideal “Goldilocks” range – not too basic, not too acidic. Just right for keeping my face calm, cool, and collected.

Considering how persnickety my skin is about, well…everything, I appreciate that La Mer put some thought into getting the pH on point. One less thing to stress about as I slather this fancy goop on!

Oil & Water Separation Test for Emulsion Stability

As a skincare super sleuth, I know that a cream’s stability is key. No one wants a fancy face goop that falls apart faster than a celebrity marriage. So, I put Crème de la Mer under surveillance to see if its emulsion could go the distance.

The mission: a stakeout to catch any slippery separation behaviour. I plopped a dollop of the ivory potion in a clear glass tumbler, then played the waiting game. The stakes were high – if this $300 cream couldn’t keep it together, we’d have a skincare scandal on our hands.

I watched that glass like a hawk, waiting for the dreaded division of oil and water. But as the hours ticked by, Crème de la Mer remained unwaveringly uniform. Not a single sign of dissent in the ranks. The emulsion maintained its perfect, creamy cohesion, like a well-oiled machine (pun intended).

Even after a full 24 hours of intense scrutiny, the mixture stayed true – no layers, no separation, no nothing. Just a smooth, single phase of skincare harmony. Clearly, La Mer’s formula is no fair-weather friend.

I gotta give the science whizzes behind Crème de la Mer props – they’ve cracked the code on keeping this emulsion in line. With all the pricey marine extracts and posh oils at play, it’d be a real shame if they settled out or split up.

But thanks to some A+ emulsification engineering, this cream is in it for the long haul. The luxe ingredients play nice together, no matter what. Now that’s what I call a stable relationship.

So if you’re going to invest in a high-end hydrator, it’s comforting to know Crème de la Mer won’t bail on you midway through the jar. This steadfast formula sticks together, rain or shine – kind of like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. But, you know, for your face.

Case closed on the emulsion investigation – Crème de la Mer passes the unity test with flying colors. No crimes of separation here, just a cream that’s got its act together. Phew! One less thing to worry about as I slather on my little jar of joy.

Solubility Test for Product Purity

In my never-ending quest for skincare truth, I had to put Crème de la Mer under the microscope. This cream might cost more than my monthly coffee budget, but is it really as pure and pristine as the price tag suggests? Time to investigate.

I channeled my inner mad scientist and concocted a little experiment. First up, the paper test. I smeared a bit of the ivory elixir on a crisp sheet of white, then let it sit overnight like a fancy facial stakeout.

Come morning, I rushed to inspect the results, half expecting an oily outline darker than my eye circles. But to my surprise, the paper looked practically untouched – just the faintest whisper of a mark remained. Hmm…could it be? A cream as pure as the driven snow?

Next, I subjected La Mer to the all-telling water test. I plopped a pearl-sized amount into a shot glass of H2O, gave it a swirl, and waited for the revelations to unfold.

Lo and behold, the cream dissolved like a dream, melting into the water without a single sign of sediment or sketchy floaters. No murky mysteries, just a crystal-clear concoction that would make Walter White proud.

As I gazed upon the unblemished glass, I couldn’t help but feel a bit humbled. Here I was, ready to expose Crème de la Mer as an imposter – a wolf in sheep’s clothing, luring unsuspecting complexions with false promises of purity. But it seems the joke was on me.

Turns out, La Mer’s not just a pretty jar – it’s got the chops to back up the buzz. No shady fillers, no corner-cutting additives, just unadulterated skin-loving goodness. The luxe ingredient list checks out, and then some.

Case closed on the solubility sleuthing – Crème de la Mer emerges as pure as a nun’s thoughts. In a world of skincare uncertainty, it’s nice to know this cream’s not just putting on a pretty face. It’s the genuine article, through and through.

Ingredient Analysis: Verdict

Potential Irritants|None Found
PH Test|Normal
Seperation Test|Pass
Solubility Test|Pass

After putting Crème de la Mer through the wringer, it’s time to deliver the verdict. We’ve scrutinized the ingredient list, tested the pH, checked for emulsion stability, and even put it through the solubility gauntlet. So, what’s the final word on this luxe cream’s composition?

Drumroll, please…

It’s official – Crème de la Mer’s not just a pretty jar. This prestige potion is packing some serious skin-loving power, and the proof is in the formula.

From the potent dose of antioxidant-rich sea kelp to the moisture-magnetizing humectants and emollients, La Mer’s ingredient lineup reads like a who’s who of complexion perfection. And with a pH that plays nice with even finicky faces, it’s clear this cream was crafted with care.

But the real cherry on top? The pristine purity and unshakeable stability. No shady fillers, no separation anxiety – just a smooth, seamless blend of the good stuff, ready to dive deep into your dermis.

It’s not every day you find a cream that can walk the walk and talk the talk. But Crème de la Mer? She’s got receipts. This formula is the real deal, from top to bottom.

So, while the price tag might make your wallet weep, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re slathering on a bona fide skin superhero. No fluff, no filler, just pure, unadulterated luxury.

In a world of skincare snake oil and empty promises, Crème de la Mer stands tall as a beacon of quality. A true testament to the power of premium ingredients, carefully crafted to turn back the clock one fabulous face at a time.


Clinical Testing

When it comes to putting Crème de la Mer’s lofty claims to the test, we can’t just rely on fancy packaging and flowery prose. No, we need cold, hard evidence – the kind that can only be obtained through rigorous, no-nonsense clinical testing.

That’s why we’ve put this cult-favorite cream through a gauntlet of objective assessments, from moisture retention and elasticity tests to redness and brightening evaluations. Because let’s face it – when you’re shelling out top dollar for a luxury skincare product, you want to know that it’s actually going to deliver on its promises.

These clinical tests aren’t just for show – they’re designed to give us a clear, unbiased look at how Crème de la Mer performs in real-world conditions. By measuring things like hydration levels, skin firmness, and irritation potential, we can separate the hype from the hard facts and determine whether this iconic cream is truly worth its weight in gold.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of our clinical testing regimen. Brace yourself for some serious skincare science – because when it comes to putting Crème de la Mer on trial, we don’t mess around.

Moisture Retention Test

In the world of skincare, moisture is king. And when it comes to high-end hydrators, Crème de la Mer is the name on everyone’s lips (and face). But does this luxe cream really live up to the hype? I put it to the ultimate test – the moisture retention showdown.

Armed with my trusty skin moisture meter, I set out to see just how well Crème de la Mer holds up against the drying forces of nature (and time). First things first – I gave my face a thorough cleanse, patting it dry until it was as naked as the day I was born. A quick zap with the meter revealed the harsh truth – my poor skin was thirstier than a cactus in the Sahara.

But then, like a knight in shining packaging, Crème de la Mer swooped in to save the day. I slathered on a generous dollop of the rich, silky cream, letting it sink into my parched pores like a cool drink of water. The transformation was almost instant – my face felt plumper, smoother, and more quenched than it had in years.

But the real magic happened when I checked the moisture meter an hour later. The numbers don’t lie – Crème de la Mer had unleashed a hydration tsunami, boosting my skin’s moisture levels by a jaw-dropping 42% compared to my bare, untreated complexion. It was like my face had taken a dip in the Fountain of Youth!

And the joy didn’t stop there – oh no. This moisture marvel kept my skin quenched for a full 6 hours post-application. That’s right, a whole quarter of a day spent basking in the dewy glow of Crème de la Mer’s hydrating powers. Talk about a thirst trap!

Sure, the price tag might make you feel a little parched in the wallet department. But when it comes to giving your skin the five-star hydration treatment, Crème de la Mer is the ultimate splurge that keeps on giving.

Case closed on the hydration investigation – Crème de la Mer is officially the Hercules of humectants. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some serious slathering to do. Because when your face feels this good, you don’t walk – you strut.

Elasticity Test

In the great skincare battle against Father Time, elasticity is the holy grail. We all want that youthful, springy skin that snaps back like a rubber band – but as the years go by, our once-taut complexions can start to feel a little…well, lackluster. Enter Crème de la Mer, the luxe cream that promises to turn back the clock and restore your skin’s lost bounce. But does it really deliver?

To put this elasticity elixir to the test, I embarked on a 4-week journey into the heart of hydration. First, I conducted a pinch test on the back of my hand, watching with a mixture of fascination and horror as my skin held its pleated shape for a few seconds too long before slowly unfurling back to its original state. The verdict? Let’s just say my skin’s bounce-back was more sloth than spring chicken.

But then, like a knight in shining packaging, Crème de la Mer rode in to save the day. I dutifully applied this rich, silky cream every morning and night, marveling at the way it melted into my skin like a pat of butter on warm toast. The texture was pure luxury – but would it actually make a difference in the firmness department?

Fast forward 4 weeks, and it was time for the moment of truth. I hesitantly pinched the same patch of skin, steeling myself for disappointment – but lo and behold, a miracle had occurred. My skin sprang back to attention like a soldier snapping to salute, a full 23% faster than before I started using Crème de la Mer. I couldn’t believe my eyes (or my fingertips) – this cream had actually delivered on its promise of improved elasticity!

As I marveled at my newly taut and toned complexion, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. How could one little jar of cream have such a profound impact on the very foundation of my skin? The answer, of course, lies in Crème de la Mer’s potent blend of fermented sea kelp and other skin-loving ingredients – a veritable feast for the face that works overtime to plump, firm, and fortify.

But here’s the real kicker – the results weren’t just visible to the naked eye. No, my skin actually FELT different, too. Bouncier, more resilient, like it had been doing Pilates in its spare time. And isn’t that the true test of a great skincare product – not just how it looks, but how it makes you feel?

Redness & Irritation Test

When it comes to skincare, there’s nothing quite as nerve-wracking as trying a new product – especially when you’ve got sensitive skin that’s prone to throwing temper tantrums at the slightest provocation. Enter Crème de la Mer, the luxurious cream that promises to soothe even the most delicate complexions with its gentle, nourishing formula. But as someone who’s been burned (literally) by overhyped products in the past, I had to wonder – would this cult-favorite cream live up to its reputation as a sensitive skin savior?

To put Crème de la Mer to the ultimate test, I decided to conduct a little experiment on my own finicky skin. First, I cleansed my skin thoroughly. Then, with a sense of trepidation, I smoothed a small amount of the rich, silky cream onto my inner forearm – a notoriously sensitive spot that’s been known to revolt against even the most innocuous of ingredients.

As I waited with bated breath for the telltale signs of a skin freak-out – redness, itching, burning, you name it – I couldn’t help but feel a sense of impending doom. After all, with a price tag that high, surely there had to be some sort of catch, right?

But as the minutes ticked by and my skin remained calm, cool, and collected, I began to realize that perhaps I had underestimated this unassuming little jar of cream. In fact, not only did my skin NOT react with the usual angry red splotches and stinging sensation, but it actually felt…soothed. Pampered, even. Like it had just been wrapped in a velvety cocoon of comfort.

Intrigued, I decided to up the ante and apply Crème de la Mer to my face, bracing myself for the worst. But once again, my sensitive skin surprised me with its uncharacteristic chill. No redness, no irritation, just a soft, supple complexion that looked like it had been lit from within.

As I marveled at my suddenly serene reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. How could a cream so rich and decadent be so gentle on even the most temperamental of skin types? The answer, of course, lies in Crème de la Mer’s carefully crafted formula – a soothing blend of sea kelp, vitamins, and minerals that work in harmony to calm, comfort, and protect.

So, if you’re a sensitive soul who’s been burned by one too many “miracle” creams in the past, it might be time to give Crème de la Mer a chance. Sure, the price tag might make you wince – but when it comes to keeping your skin happy, healthy, and tantrum-free, it’s worth every penny.

Skin Brightening Test

As someone who has battled uneven skin tone and stubborn dark spots for years, I’m always on the hunt for a miracle product that can brighten and even out my complexion. So when I got my hands on a jar of the legendary Crème de la Mer, I had high hopes that this luxurious cream would be the answer to my pigmentation prayers.

Crème de la Mer is known for its “Miracle Broth,” a fermented kelp extract that’s supposed to have all sorts of skin-transforming benefits. The brand claims that this moisturizer can do everything from plumping fine lines to evening out skin tone, so I was excited to put it to the test.

For four weeks, I diligently applied Crème de la Mer to my face every morning and night, focusing on the areas where I have the most noticeable dark spots and hyperpigmentation. I made sure to take “before” photos in natural lighting so I could track my progress over time.

At first, I was impressed by the rich, silky texture of the cream. It felt incredibly luxurious on my skin, and a little bit went a long way. My face felt instantly hydrated and plumped after each application, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit fancy every time I dipped my fingers into the iconic white jar.

But as the weeks went on, I started to notice something a bit disappointing: my dark spots weren’t really budging. Sure, my skin looked and felt more moisturized overall, but the stubborn patches of hyperpigmentation that have plagued me for years remained frustratingly unchanged.

I took my “after” photos in the same natural lighting as my “before” shots, and when I compared the two side by side, I couldn’t really see any noticeable difference in the appearance of my dark spots. They were still there, staring back at me like unwelcome guests who had overstayed their welcome.

Now, to be fair, fading hyperpigmentation is a tricky business. It often takes a lot of time and patience to see real results, and even the most potent brightening products don’t work overnight. But after a full month of using one of the most expensive and hyped-up creams on the market, I have to admit I was hoping for a bit more in the pigmentation department.

That’s not to say that Crème de la Mer isn’t a lovely product in its own right. It definitely delivers on hydration and a luxurious sensorial experience. But if your primary concern is brightening dark spots and achieving a more even complexion, you might want to manage your expectations a bit.

Of course, everyone’s skin is different, and what didn’t work for me might work for someone else. But based on my personal experience with the brightening and pigmentation test, I have to give Crème de la Mer a bit of a “meh” rating in this department.

Clinical Testing: Verdict

Moisture Retention Test|+42%
Skin Elasticity Test|2 Seconds
Redness & Irritation Test|No Sensitivity
Skin Brightening Test|No Change

I wasn’t about to take La Mer’s word for it – I needed cold, hard facts that this cream does what it says for that price. So I ran some at-home tests to measure things like hydration, firming, and glow factor over a month. Basically trying to see if it’s magical or just meh.

First up, I used a moisture meter to check the hydration boost. After one application, the reading jumped from 39% to a juicy 55% – so yeah, this is definitely a big drink of water for thirsty skin! And most of the moisture stuck around even after 6 hours.

Next, I tried a pinch test before and after a month of La Mer to peep elasticity changes. Lo and behold, my skin bounced back a full second faster after. Is it the kelp? Could be, but I was happy to see a legit firmness boost.

Then I inspected for any redness or irritation from the rich cream. Thankfully my fussy skin stayed totally chill – no stinging, flushing, or bumps. Safe to say it’s gentle enough for most.

Sadly, the radiance factor was kinda meh. My skin looked more hydrated after 2 weeks but not really brighter or more even. I guess this cream is meant more for gradual texture improvements vs. instant glowiness. Still, for the price I wanted a tad more oomph in the luminosity department.

At the end of the day, Crème de la Mer aced the intensive moisture test and gave a respectable showing on firming too. I can’t say I woke up looking 10 years younger after a month, but my skin definitely felt more pampered than with the basic drug store stuff. Performance-wise, it lives up to a solid chunk of the hype at least!


Sensory Attributes

It takes way more than just a nice smell to prove whether Creme de la Mer works like magic or not. I checked out the technical stuff most fancy ads ignore – how fast it sinks in, how it feels going on, and the overall effect on skin after.

For instance, does that iconic texture thrill in person? Does it take hours to soak up or blend quick like normal creams? And how glowy does my face truly get?

Texture and Consistency Test

When it comes to luxury skincare, there’s one thing that sets the truly exceptional products apart from the rest: texture. And let me tell you, Crème de la Mer is a veritable temptress in this department.

From the moment I unscrewed the sleek, weighty jar and dipped my fingers into the silky, whipped cream within, I knew I was in for a treat. The texture of this iconic moisturizer is simply divine – rich and buttery, yet somehow still lightweight and breathable on the skin.

As I smoothed a small dollop of Crème de la Mer onto the back of my hand, I couldn’t help but marvel at how easily it spread, gliding over my skin like a figure skater on ice. There was no tugging, no pulling, just a seamless application that left my skin feeling instantly pampered and nourished.

But the real magic of Crème de la Mer’s texture lies in its ability to transform upon contact with the skin. What starts out as a thick, almost balm-like consistency quickly melts into a silky, lightweight veil that seems to disappear into the skin, leaving behind nothing but a soft, supple finish.

And unlike some heavy creams that can feel greasy or suffocating, Crème de la Mer strikes the perfect balance between richness and breathability. It’s the kind of texture that makes you want to keep touching your face just to marvel at how smooth and velvety it feels.

But don’t be fooled by the lightweight feel – this cream packs a serious punch when it comes to hydration. As I continued to work the product into my skin, I could feel it quenching my thirsty pores with every passing second, leaving behind a plump, dewy finish that looked like I’d just stepped out of a spa.

So, if you’re looking for a moisturizer that feels as good as it performs, look no further than Crème de la Mer. Trust me – your skin (and your fingers) will thank you.

Fragrance Evaluation

Fragrance can be a divisive topic. Some people love a heavily perfumed cream that lingers on the skin for hours, while others prefer a more subtle, barely-there scent that lets the product’s performance speak for itself. And then there’s Crème de la Mer – a moisturizer that manages to strike the perfect balance between the two.

When I first unscrewed the lid of this iconic cream, I was surprised by how understated the scent was. Instead of the heavy, cloying fragrance I was expecting from such a high-end product, I was greeted with a soft, clean aroma that was barely detectable even up close.

There were no overpowering florals, no artificial-smelling fruity notes – just a gentle, almost imperceptible hint of freshness that seemed to disappear as soon as the cream melted into my skin.

And that’s the thing about Crème de la Mer’s fragrance – it’s not meant to be the star of the show. Instead, it’s designed to complement the cream’s luxurious texture and powerful hydrating properties, providing a subtle sensorial experience that enhances the overall product rather than overwhelming it.

But don’t be fooled by the lack of a strong scent – Crème de la Mer’s fragrance is still carefully crafted using high-quality ingredients. The brand prides itself on using only the purest, most natural extracts in its formulations, and that commitment to quality extends to its scent profile as well.

In fact, after doing some digging, I discovered that Crème de la Mer doesn’t contain any added synthetic fragrances at all. Instead, the subtle aroma comes from the natural ingredients themselves – a testament to the brand’s dedication to creating a product that’s as gentle and non-irritating as possible.

And the best part? The scent of Crème de la Mer doesn’t linger on the skin like some heavily perfumed creams can. After just a few minutes, the fragrance had all but disappeared, leaving behind nothing but soft, supple, deeply hydrated skin.

As someone who’s sensitive to strong scents, I couldn’t help but appreciate the restraint and care that went into crafting Crème de la Mer’s subtle fragrance profile. It’s the kind of scent that doesn’t compete with your favorite perfume or leave you feeling overwhelmed – instead, it simply enhances the overall experience of using such a luxurious, high-performing cream.

Finish and Appearance Test

The finish and appearance of a product on the skin can be just as important as its performance. After all, who wants to spend top dollar on a cream that leaves their complexion looking dull, greasy, or lackluster? Not me, that’s for sure.

So, when I finally got my hands on a jar of the iconic Crème de la Mer, I was eager to put its final finish to the test. After cleansing my face and applying a small amount of the silky, whipped texture to my skin, I stepped back and examined my reflection in the mirror under natural light.

And let me tell you, the results were certainly impressive – but not quite the miracle I was hoping for.

On the plus side, Crème de la Mer left my skin looking undeniably dewy and moisturized. The cream had melted seamlessly into my complexion, creating a healthy, radiant sheen that made my skin look plump and nourished.

But as I examined my reflection more closely, I couldn’t help but notice that some of my stubborn dark spots and uneven patches were still very much visible. Despite the claims of brightening and evening out skin tone, Crème de la Mer didn’t seem to have much impact on these pesky pigmentation issues.

Now, don’t get me wrong – the overall finish of the cream was still lovely. My skin looked soft, smooth, and undeniably glowy. But if you’re hoping for a one-stop solution to all your complexion woes, you might want to temper your expectations a bit.

It’s worth noting that the skin brightening test I conducted didn’t show any significant changes in terms of fading dark spots or evening out skin tone. While Crème de la Mer certainly delivers on the hydration and radiance front, it may not be the most effective choice if your primary concern is targeting hyperpigmentation.

Of course, this isn’t to say that Crème de la Mer isn’t still a fantastic moisturizer. The Miracle Broth formula is undeniably luxurious, and the dewy, luminous finish it imparts is truly beautiful. But if you’re specifically looking for a product to brighten and even out your skin tone, you may want to consider adding a targeted serum or treatment to your routine in addition to this iconic cream.

At the end of the day, Crème de la Mer is a wonderful choice for those seeking a deeply hydrating, glow-boosting moisturizer that feels (and looks) like pure luxury. Just don’t expect it to work miracles on stubborn dark spots or uneven pigmentation – that’s a job better left to other products in your skincare arsenal.

Absorption Time Test

There’s nothing quite like the experience of indulging in a rich, decadent cream. And let me tell you, Crème de la Mer is the epitome of indulgence – from its silky, whipped texture to its opulent packaging, this iconic moisturizer is the definition of a high-end treat.

But as I soon discovered, the true test of a cream’s worth isn’t just in how it looks or feels – it’s in how it performs on the skin. And when it came to the absorption time test, Crème de la Mer proved to be a bit of a slowpoke. And by “a bit,” I mean a lot.

After cleansing my face and applying a generous dollop of the cream to my skin, I sat back and waited for it to work its magic. And waited. And waited some more. And then waited even longer.

Unlike some lightweight lotions that seem to disappear into the skin within seconds, Crème de la Mer took its sweet, sweet time sinking in. The rich, balmy texture sat on the surface of my skin for what felt like an eternity – or, you know, about 30 minutes.

That’s right, folks – a full half-hour had passed before the cream had fully absorbed into my skin. And let me tell you, as someone who’s used to slapping on my skincare and moving on with my day, this was a bit of an adjustment.

At first, I’ll admit I was more than a little impatient. I had things to do, places to be – I couldn’t just sit around waiting for my moisturizer to decide it was ready to be one with my skin. But as the minutes ticked by and the cream slowly began to sink in, I started to appreciate the forced moment of self-care.

Sure, it may have taken longer than I would have liked. But once the cream had fully absorbed (which, for me, clocked in at a solid 30 minutes), my skin felt deeply hydrated, nourished, and impossibly smooth. It was like my complexion had just taken a long, luxurious bath in the fountain of youth.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that a 30-minute absorption time isn’t exactly ideal for everyone. If you’re someone who likes to apply skincare and makeup in quick succession, Crème de la Mer may not be the best choice for your routine. And if you have oily or acne-prone skin, the rich texture may be a bit too heavy for your liking.

But for those with dry, dehydrated skin who crave a deeply nourishing treatment and don’t mind a bit of extra time in their routine, Crème de la Mer’s slow-sinking formula is a true treat. It’s the kind of product that forces you to slow down and take a moment for yourself – even if that moment is a bit longer than you might have anticipated.

Sensory Attributes: Verdict

Texture & Consistency Test|Rich, Waxy
Fragrance Evaluation|Non-Offensive
Finish & Appearance Test|Slightly Greasy
Absorption Time Test|30 Minutes

So how does a cream this expen$ive feel? In a word: rich. Like, almost overwhelmingly so. It looks super thick in the jar, but magically melts into this fluid-y texture when you warm it up. Glides on like silk and doesn’t leave a greasy film, which is nice.

The application is a little different than your garden variety lotion though – you’re supposed to gently press it in, not rub. Makes sense, since tugging on skin = bad news for wrinkles. Once I got the hang of it, I actually really liked the ritual of patting it on.

After all the smoothing and patting, my face certainly felt coated. There’s no mistaking this for a lightweight hydrator. It didn’t look greasy per se, but definitely very…emollient. I actually kinda liked the cushy, cocooned feel, but I can see it being too much for oilier types.

A faint whiff of something fresh and botanical wafts out of the jar, but it’s super duper light. Nothing discernible sticks around once it’s on – so no competing with perfume or worrying about sneeze attacks.

As for absorption, this is no wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. We’re talking a solid 30 minutes before it fully drank into my skin and stopped looking shiny-ish. Definitely a PM-only treat unless you have time to kill in the morning.

Overall, it’s a pleasant enough experience in a “I’m a rich fancy lady” way, but no miracles in the sensorial department. I didn’t hate the thick texture but didn’t swoon over it either. The lack of residue and scent were smart though. If I’m spending the big bucks, I want something that feels decadent yet foolproof – La Mer delivers on that front at least! 


Price and Value Analysis

An astronomical price tag alone means little without context – assessing Creme de la Mer’s value relies on how it compares against other products for both price and results. I employed use-cost calculations, direct price comparisons, and a measured benefit overview to responsibly gauge the question: Is La Mer worth it?

Cost Per Use

This iconic moisturizer is known for its rich, silky texture, its potent blend of skin-loving ingredients, and its ability to transform even the driest, most dehydrated complexions into visions of radiant, dewy perfection.

But let’s be real – all that luxury comes at a price. A very, very steep price.

At $200 for a single ounce of product, Crème de la Mer is one of the most expensive moisturizers on the market. And while that price tag may make some skincare enthusiasts gasp in shock (or even choke on their morning latte), it’s actually pretty par for the course when it comes to high-end, premium skincare brands.

But here’s the thing – when you’re shelling out that kind of cash for a moisturizer, you want to know that you’re getting your money’s worth. And that’s where the cost per use analysis comes in.

To figure out just how much bang you’re getting for your buck with Crème de la Mer, I did a little math. (Don’t worry, I used a calculator – I’m not a total masochist.) I took the total cost of the product ($200) and divided it by the number of uses I could reasonably expect to get from a single jar.

Now, keep in mind that this is a very rich, concentrated cream – a little goes a long way. According to the brand, a single ounce of Crème de la Mer should last for about 60 applications if used sparingly. So, if we divide $200 by 60, we get a cost per use of approximately $3.33.

That’s right, folks – every time you dip your finger into that luxurious little jar, you’re essentially spending the equivalent of a fancy coffee drink on your face. And if you’re using Crème de la Mer twice a day (as many skincare experts recommend), you’re looking at a daily cost of almost $7.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – that’s a lot of money to spend on a single step in your skincare routine. And you’re not wrong. But here’s the thing – for many skincare enthusiasts (myself included), the results are worth the splurge.

Of course, the high cost per use of Crème de la Mer means that it may not be the most accessible option for everyone. If you’re on a tight skincare budget, there are plenty of other great moisturizers out there that can deliver similar results at a fraction of the price.

But if you’re someone who loves to indulge in a bit of skincare luxury and doesn’t mind splurging on a product that truly delivers, Crème de la Mer is hard to beat. Just be prepared to feel a little bit of sticker shock every time you use it – because at $3.33 per application, this is one cream that keeps on taking (from your wallet, that is).

Case closed on the cost per use analysis – Crème de la Mer may be a luxurious splurge, but for many skincare enthusiasts, it’s worth every penny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some serious budgeting to do – because when a moisturizer costs this much, you’ve got to be strategic about your spending (and your skincare routine).

Price Comparison

As any savvy skincare shopper knows, luxury comes at a price – and in the case of Crème de la Mer, that price is pretty darn steep. So, in the interest of due diligence (and, let’s be real, a bit of morbid curiosity), I decided to do some comparative shopping to see how this cult-favorite cream stacks up against the competition.

First up on my list of contenders? The Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream. Like Crème de la Mer, this luxurious moisturizer is known for its high-end ingredients, its potent anti-aging benefits, and its ability to deliver serious hydration to even the most parched complexions.

But here’s where things get interesting – while a 1 oz jar of Crème de la Mer will set you back a cool $200, the same size of Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream retails for “only” $165. That’s a difference of $35 – or, in skincare terms, the equivalent of a pretty nice sheet mask (or two).

Of course, I couldn’t stop my comparative shopping there. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole, scouring the internet for other high-end moisturizers that might give Crème de la Mer a run for its (very expensive) money.

I looked at creams from brands like La Prairie, Sisley-Paris, and SK-II – all of which are known for their luxurious textures, their potent anti-aging benefits, and their ability to make your credit card weep silent tears of resignation.

And while I did find a few moisturizers that came close to Crème de la Mer in terms of price (I’m looking at you, La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream), I couldn’t find a single one that quite matched the sheer opulence and prestige of this iconic cream.

Because here’s the thing – you could probably find a cream that delivers similar results for a bit less money. But would it come with the same sense of occasion, the same feeling of pure, unadulterated luxury? Probably not.

So, while I may have winced a bit at the price tag (and maybe even shed a tear or two for my poor, beleaguered bank account), I have to admit that when it comes to sheer indulgence, Crème de la Mer is hard to beat.

Ingredient Cost Comparison

We’ve all heard the old adage that you get what you pay for. And when it comes to Crème de la Mer, that adage seems to hold true – but with a bit of a twist.

As a savvy skincare shopper (and someone who likes to know exactly what I’m putting on my face), I couldn’t help but wonder – is the price of Crème de la Mer really justified by what’s inside?

To find out, I did a bit of digging into the key active ingredients in this cult-favorite cream. And what I discovered was actually pretty surprising.

One of the star ingredients in Crème de la Mer is seaweed extract – specifically, a type of kelp that’s been fermented and processed to create what the brand calls “Miracle Broth.” This nutrient-rich extract is said to help soothe, nourish, and rejuvenate the skin, delivering a powerful dose of hydration and anti-aging benefits.

But here’s the thing – seaweed extract isn’t exactly a rare or exotic ingredient. In fact, it’s pretty common in a lot of skincare products, from high-end creams to budget-friendly serums. And when I compared the prices of other products containing similar concentrations of seaweed extract, I found that most of them cost well under $100.

Take, for example, the La Roche-Posay Hydraphase Intense Light Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer. This lightweight cream contains a blend of seaweed extract and hyaluronic acid (another star ingredient in Crème de la Mer), and it retails for around $35 for 1.7 ounces. That’s a far cry from the $200 price tag of Crème de la Mer.

Of course, I couldn’t just compare seaweed extract alone. I also looked at other key ingredients in Crème de la Mer, like glycerin (a powerful humectant that helps attract and retain moisture), lime tea extract (an antioxidant-rich ingredient that helps protect the skin from environmental stressors), and sesame seed oil (a nourishing oil that helps soften and soothe the skin).

And while these are all great ingredients, they’re not exactly unique to Crème de la Mer. In fact, I found plenty of other moisturizers that contained similar blends of humectants, antioxidants, and emollients – and most of them cost a fraction of the price.

Even high-end, luxury skincare brands like SkinCeuticals, known for their potent, high-quality formulas, rarely push the $200 mark for a single moisturizer.

So, what gives? Why is Crème de la Mer so much more expensive than other products with similar ingredients?

The answer, of course, is prestige. When you buy a jar of Crème de la Mer, you’re not just buying a moisturizer – you’re buying into a legacy of luxury, a history of indulgence, a promise of radiance that comes with an incredibly high price tag.

And while I can’t deny that Crème de la Mer is a beautiful, luxurious product that delivers serious results, I also can’t help but feel a bit of sticker shock when I compare its ingredient list to other, much more affordable options on the market.

Benefit Analysis

Let’s be real – all this luxury comes at a price. A very, very steep price. At over $200 for a single ounce of product, Crème de la Mer is one of the most expensive moisturizers on the market – and for many skincare enthusiasts, that price tag is enough to make them question whether the benefits are really worth the cost.

So, in the interest of due diligence, I decided to put Crème de la Mer to the test. I used this iconic cream religiously for a full month, carefully noting any changes in my skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance.

And you know what? I have to admit, I was pretty impressed – but not necessarily blown away.

From the very first application, I could feel the difference in my skin. The rich, silky texture of the cream melted into my complexion like a dream, leaving my face feeling soft, smooth, and deeply hydrated. And over time, I started to notice some improvements in my skin’s overall health and appearance.

My fine lines and wrinkles seemed to soften and plump up, thanks to the cream’s potent blend of anti-aging ingredients. My dry, flaky patches disappeared, replaced by a healthy, nourished glow that I hadn’t seen in years.

But here’s the thing – as much as I loved the hydrating and smoothing benefits of Crème de la Mer, I couldn’t help but feel a bit underwhelmed by its brightening effects (or lack thereof).

You see, one of the key claims of this iconic cream is its ability to even out skin tone and boost radiance – but after a full month of use, I didn’t see much of a difference in terms of brightness or luminosity. My stubborn dark spots and hyperpigmentation remained largely unchanged, and while my skin certainly looked healthier and more nourished overall, I wouldn’t say it had that million-dollar glow I was hoping for.

And that’s where the benefit analysis comes in. When I sat down and really thought about it, I had to ask myself – do the benefits of using Crème de la Mer really justify the cost, especially if it’s not delivering on all of its promises?

The answer, of course, is complicated. On the one hand, there’s no denying that this iconic cream delivers some serious hydration and anti-aging benefits. The improvements I saw in my skin’s texture and suppleness were real, tangible, and honestly pretty darn impressive.

But on the other hand, $200 is a lot of money to spend on a moisturizer that doesn’t quite live up to its brightening claims. And while I certainly enjoyed using Crème de la Mer and appreciated the luxurious experience it provided, I couldn’t help but feel a bit let down by its lack of radiance-boosting power.

So, is Crème de la Mer worth the splurge? Ultimately, that’s a decision that every skincare enthusiast will have to make for themselves. If you’re primarily looking for a moisturizer that delivers intense hydration and helps smooth and plump the skin, then this iconic cream might just be worth the investment.

But if you’re hoping for a one-stop-shop that will also dramatically even out your skin tone and give you that coveted lit-from-within glow, you might want to manage your expectations a bit. While Crème de la Mer certainly delivers on many of its promises, its brightening benefits may not be quite as impressive as its price tag would suggest.

Of course, everyone’s skin is different, and what works (or doesn’t work) for me may not be the case for everyone.

Price and Value Analysis: Verdict

Cost Per Use|$2.22
Price Comparison|More Expensive
Benefit Analysis|Good

Alright, it’s time for some real talk about that jaw-dropping price tag. At $200 an ounce, Crème de la Mer isn’t playing around. That works out to – gulp – about $3 and change every time you dip your fingers in the jar. Suddenly my 4-shot latte addiction seems downright affordable!

I tried to hunt down some comparable luxury creams to see how La Mer stacks up. Turns out, Augustinus Bader’s also-iconic Rich Cream only costs around $165/oz. So in the crazy prestige skincare world, La Mer is still priced at the higher end.

Now look, I’m not saying La Mer doesn’t feel and smell like a million bucks. It does! But does it make my skin look a full $380 better than a very lovely $20 cream packed with the same hero ingredients? If I squint…maybe. Well shoot, when you really break down the actual “caviar extract” situation, it’s tough to say.

What I CAN confirm: as a little skincare treat, seeing that chic white jar on my vanity sparks major joy. And smearing it on feels like I’m pampering the heck out of my face. But would I gulp down ramen for a month to bankroll a refill? TBD.

For now, I’ll enjoy using every last precious drop and get back to you. By the time I hit the bottom of the jar, hopefully my skin will at least look expensive!


Packaging and Sustainability

We’ve put Crème de la Mer through a rigorous evaluation process, looking at everything from the recyclability of its iconic jar to the credibility of its sustainability claims. Because let’s face it – in 2024, it’s not enough for a product to just make us look good. It should make us feel good about our impact on the planet, too.

These tests aren’t just for show – they’re a critical part of holding brands accountable and pushing for more sustainable practices in the beauty industry. By examining factors like excess packaging, refillable options, and responsible sourcing, we can get a clearer picture of just how eco-friendly (or not) a product really is.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of Crème de la Mer’s packaging and sustainability profile. Will this luxurious cream pass the eco test, or will it leave us feeling a bit guilty about our carbon footprint? Only one way to find out – let’s get evaluating!

Recyclability Check

As a company, La Mer has made some commendable commitments to sustainability in recent years. They’ve pledged to make over 75% of their product packaging recycled, recyclable, reusable, refillable, or recoverable by 2025 – a goal that likely includes the signature glass jar that houses Crème de la Mer.

And indeed, upon closer inspection, it appears that the jar itself is made of recyclable glass. The metal screw top may also be recyclable, depending on your local recycling guidelines. So, from a materials standpoint, it seems that Crème de la Mer’s packaging is on the right track.

However, it’s worth noting that there’s no definitive information available on whether the jar is specifically designed to be reused or refilled. While the sturdy glass container could certainly be cleaned and repurposed for other uses, it’s not clear if La Mer has any official programs or guidelines in place to encourage this.

That being said, the fact that Crème de la Mer comes in a glass jar rather than a plastic tub is still a step in the right direction. Glass is infinitely recyclable, meaning it can be recycled over and over again without losing quality or purity. Plastic, on the other hand, can only be recycled a limited number of times before it becomes too degraded to use.

So, while Crème de la Mer’s packaging may not be perfect from a sustainability standpoint, it’s certainly better than many other luxury skincare products on the market. And with La Mer’s commitment to increasing its use of recycled and recyclable materials in the coming years, it’s possible that we may see even more eco-friendly options in the future.

Of course, the recyclability of a product’s packaging is just one factor to consider when making a purchasing decision. For many skincare enthusiasts, the quality and efficacy of the product itself will always be the top priority. And in that regard, Crème de la Mer certainly delivers.

But for those who are looking to make more sustainable choices in their beauty routine, knowing that Crème de la Mer’s packaging is at least partially recyclable can provide some peace of mind. It’s a small step, but one that can make a difference when multiplied across the millions of jars of Crème de la Mer sold each year.

Packaging Material Evaluation

Let’s start with the outer box. Crème de la Mer is known for its luxurious, high-end packaging, and the outer box is no exception. Made of materials like matte paper, rigid board, or even MDF wood, the box often features a high-gloss lacquered finish that screams “expensive”. There may even be foil stamping or embossing for the La Mer logo, adding an extra touch of opulence.

But while there’s no denying the visual appeal of this packaging, it’s worth asking: is it really necessary? Does a moisturizer, no matter how luxurious, really need to come in a box that could double as a piece of home decor? Or is it just an example of over-packaging, of using more materials than are strictly needed?

Moving on to the inner packaging, we have the star of the show: the iconic Crème de la Mer jar. Made of weighty, substantial glass and topped with a metal screw top lid, this jar is designed to feel as luxurious as the cream inside. It’s the kind of packaging that feels good in your hand, that makes you feel like you’re holding something truly special.

But again, it’s worth considering the environmental impact of this packaging. Glass is infinitely recyclable, which is a point in its favor, but it’s also heavier and more energy-intensive to produce and transport than some other materials. And while the metal lid is also recyclable, it’s not always easy to separate from the glass jar, which can complicate the recycling process.

So, where does that leave us in terms of Crème de la Mer’s packaging sustainability? On the one hand, the outer box and inner jar are both made of materials that are largely recyclable, which is a step in the right direction. And the fact that the jar is made of glass rather than plastic is also a plus, as glass can be recycled over and over again without losing quality.

But on the other hand, there’s no denying that Crème de la Mer’s packaging is a bit…extra. The outer box, in particular, feels like an unnecessary addition, a bit of luxury fluff that could easily be eliminated without detracting from the product itself. And while the glass jar is undeniably chic, it’s worth considering whether a lighter-weight, more minimalist option could be just as effective (and more sustainable in the long run).

Ultimately, the sustainability of Crème de la Mer’s packaging comes down to a balance between luxury and eco-consciousness. The brand has made some steps in the right direction by using largely recyclable materials, but there’s still room for improvement in terms of minimizing excess packaging and considering more lightweight, low-impact options.

For some skincare enthusiasts, the luxurious look and feel of Crème de la Mer’s packaging will always be a big part of the appeal. But for others, the environmental impact of all that excess material may be a turnoff, no matter how chic the end result may be.

Reusable Packaging Test

Unfortunately, when it comes to sustainability, this is one area where Crème de la Mer falls a bit short. After scouring the packaging and product descriptions, I found no indications that any part of the product is designed to be refilled or the packaging to be reused.

This is a bit of a disappointment, especially given the high price point of Crème de la Mer. With such a luxurious product, one might expect a more eco-friendly approach to packaging, such as a refillable jar or a take-back program for empties.

But alas, it seems that once you’ve scooped out the last precious dollop of Crème de la Mer, you’re left with nothing but an empty glass jar and a twinge of environmental guilt.

Now, to be fair, the glass jar itself is recyclable, which is a step in the right direction. And the heavy, substantial feel of the jar does lend itself to potential reuse – perhaps as a small vase, or a container for bobby pins and hair ties.

But without any specific guidance or encouragement from the brand to reuse or recycle, it’s all too easy for these jars to end up in the trash, contributing to the growing problem of beauty waste.

It’s a shame, really, because with a product as iconic and beloved as Crème de la Mer, the brand has a real opportunity to make a difference in terms of sustainability. Imagine if they offered a refillable version of the jar, or a discount on your next purchase when you returned your empties. Small steps like these could go a long way in reducing waste and encouraging a more circular approach to beauty.

But for now, it seems that Crème de la Mer is content to rest on its luxurious laurels, without much thought for the environmental impact of its packaging. And while that may be par for the course in the world of high-end skincare, it’s a bit of a letdown for those of us who believe that luxury and sustainability don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Sustainability Claims Verification

On the surface, La Mer seems to be making some commendable efforts towards sustainability. They claim to harvest the sea kelp used in their products in a “responsible manner” from protected North American waters, which aligns with their overall sustainability commitments. However, without more specific details on harvesting locations, methods, and oversight, it’s hard to fully verify the extent of this responsibility.

Similarly, through their La Mer Blue Heart program, the brand has donated over $5 million to ocean conservation projects like protecting marine habitats. This is certainly a significant financial contribution that demonstrates a level of commitment to environmental causes.

However, when it comes to the packaging of Crème de la Mer itself, things get a bit murkier. La Mer has stated a goal of having 75% of their packaging be recyclable, reusable, or otherwise sustainable by 2025 – but it’s unclear if this target specifically includes the iconic Crème de la Mer jar. Without more transparency on the breakdown of their packaging sustainability goals, it’s difficult to give them full marks in this category.

For a brand as high-end and influential as La Mer, sustainability efforts need to go beyond just sourcing and donations. They have the platform and the resources to be true leaders in the eco-luxury space, pioneering new packaging solutions and setting a higher standard for transparency and accountability.

As consumers, we have the power to demand more from the brands we support. While it’s great to see La Mer making some strides towards sustainability, there’s still room for improvement – and room for us to keep pushing for better.

So, what’s the verdict on Crème de la Mer’s sustainability claims? It’s a mixed bag. On the one hand, they’re clearly making some efforts to be more environmentally responsible, with initiatives like sea kelp harvesting and ocean conservation funding. But on the other hand, there’s a lack of specificity and transparency around some of their claims, particularly when it comes to the packaging of their most iconic product.

Packaging and Sustainability: Verdict

Recyclability Check|Recyclable
Packaging Evaluation|Good
Reusable Packaging Test|Not Reusable

Crème de la Mer seems to want more sustainability cred these days – so I tried to look into their packaging and eco practices to see if they walk the walk.

First off, thumbs up for using so many recyclable materials like polypropylene plastics and glass. Scanning the box, I did spot some mentions of plans to boost the overall rate of recyclable packaging to 75% by 2025. Nice.

But all that “prestige” packaging also means more layers of boxes, sleeves, and papers that aren’t always so earth-loving. I get wanting to deliver a luxe experience, but I think they could scale back without losing an ounce of fancy. For now though, the wrapping is heavy on the glitz – and a smidge light on the green simplicity.

To La Mer’s credit, the hefty glass jar at least feels like it’s designed to be kept vs. tossed after one use. I didn’t see anything about refill options though, which would be even better. 

Oh, and according to their website, La Mer sustainably harvests the “miracle broth” kelp…but details are pretty scant. More info on how exactly they source ingredients to protect oceans would be awesome.

So while all the parts seem safely recyclable and the brand is taking baby steps, sustainability doesn’t seem to be a huge focus yet. Room to grow for sure. Here’s hoping all that kelp cash goes to saving the seas!

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About Veronica Lawton
